PHP Developer’s Library
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PHP Developer’s Library

Need to add gift or loyalty capabilities to your app, but don’t have time to reinvent the wheel?

We totally get that that! That’s why we created code libraries that change everything and drastically shorten the development process. Our xml-based API is ideal for PHP developers because it allows you to send us a transaction using an HTTPS post method. Our reply is an XML string that includes all of the information your users will need. We provide code to give you a head start and make it simple for you to send us transactions using the latest encryption standards.

If you are using any of the following, open-source shopping carts we can provide you with a gift card payment module for rapid deployment:

  • Magento
  • WooCommerce
  • Zen Cart
  • osCommerce

Complete the form below and we’ll email you the following:

  • Full documentation on our XML API with sample transactions
  • Your API key
  • Test Merchant ID
  • Test Terminal ID
  • Test card numbers
  • A point of contact to answer questions and help you get started


Contact us today to get started creating your perfect solution.