Java Developer’s Library
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Java Developer’s Library

Need to add gift or loyalty capabilities to your app, but don’t have time to reinvent the wheel?

We totally get that that! That’s why we created code libraries that change everything and drastically shorten the development process.

The Old Way

  1. Study the API docs.
  2. Code the string functions to build a gift or loyalty transactions.
  3. Find a control to open socket connections and send http posts.
  4. Make sure your app supports the latest TLS encryption standards.
  5. Code for communications errors
  6. Code a parser to read approval responses
  7. Test, debug and release the new version of your app.
  8. Update the code every time encryption standards or API features change.

The New Way

  1. Add the library to your app.
  2. Code your app to make a function call to our library when you need to send a gift or loyalty transaction.
  3. Test, debug and release the new version of your app.

Basically, our Java Library makes it easy for you to add gift card and/or customer loyalty card features to your app. It manages communications, transaction processing and error checking for you so all you have to do is pass the transaction details of the transaction to the library and read the response.


The best part is that you can automatically receive updates and bug fixes whenever you recompile your app by adding mavenCentral() in the repositories tag/section of your project.

Complete the form below and we’ll email you the following:

  • Full documentation with links to download the Library
  • Your API key
  • Test Merchant ID
  • Test Terminal ID
  • Test card numbers
  • A point of contact to answer questions and help you get started


Contact us today to get started creating your perfect solution.